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What do you know Cupping Massage Therapy

July 18, 2022 3 min read

Cupping, also known as hamedori in Japanese, is a form of alternative medicine that involves suctioning the skin with special cups. The technique—and the name—come from ancient China, but it's been practiced around the world for thousands of years. Cupping is becoming more popular among athletes and celebrities, but there are plenty of reasons why you may want to try cupping yourself.


Cupping is an alternative medicine treatment that uses a suction cup to create a vacuum on the surface of the skin. The technique has been practiced in many cultures for thousands of years and can be used alone or in conjunction with other treatments, such as acupuncture and massage. It's thought to help relieve pain and promote circulation by encouraging blood flow at the site where it's applied.

Why does it work?

The theory behind cupping is that suction draws blood to the surface of your skin to promote healing, so any injury caused by this pulling action will also heal faster than usual. The bruises left from cupping fade after about 10 days, but some practitioners believe they serve as evidence that the therapy works because bruises generally fade within 2-3 weeks without treatment.

Treatments and benefits

Ancient Chinese medicine has been using cupping techniques for thousands of years. It’s a form of massage therapy that uses suction and heat to relieve pain and tension in the muscles, increase blood flow and promote healing. Cupping is often used to treat aches and pains, including arthritis or soreness due to strenuous exercise or sports. Some people also use it to help with respiratory problems such as chronic coughs or asthma attacks.

Cupping involves creating suction by placing small cups directly on the skin. When the air inside each cup cools down, it contracts and causes a vacuum within its walls that attaches itself firmly to your body (without causing any damage). The process creates local inflammation at the site where there may be pain in order for your body's natural healing mechanisms to kick into gear. Once you remove these cups from your skin, this inflammation goes away quickly—but if left on too long could cause bruising!

Cupping has been reported to provide a number of benefits including pain relief, increased blood circulation and relaxation of muscles and other connective tissue. A growing number of studies are showing that cupping can also be used in treating respiratory conditions such as asthma or bronchitis, as well as certain skin conditions such as eczema and rosacea

When combined with acupuncture needles, cupping provides an extra boost of energy circulation throughout your body which can help improve overall health conditions like high blood pressure (hypertension), dizziness/vertigo or anxiety issues among others—including anything related toward improving mental wellness too!

What to know before you start

Before you start cupping, there are a few things you should know. First of all, the marks will go away in a few days and it’s completely safe to do on your own—just make sure not to apply it over broken skin. If you don’t want to mark yourself up with bruises or hickeys, though, professional help is recommended. However, the marks will go away after about to 10 days depending on the person and their health.


We hope this article has helped you learn more about cupping and its benefits. Cupping is a great way to get healthy, but it can also be used as a treatment for certain conditions or ailments. Please be sure to follow instructions closely before trying cupping on your own so that you know the best way to use it safely!


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